National Co-0p Independent Pharmacy Owners

Welcome To GirishGPO

Girish GPO can help independent Pharmacy owner with unique offering like short-term, long-term finance and Pharmacy exhance program etc.

Girish GPO can help your Convenient Store, Gas Station Laudromat, or any other small business you have invested in

GirishGPO has relationships with the lenders that offer working capital, short term and long term loans for your needs .

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About us

GirishGPO has embarked upon a mission fueled by visionary ideas from its bunder, Girish Ray. Hailing from Chicago, Girish boasts a rich history as both a pharmacy owner and a pharmaceutical distributor. His extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry positions him highly among his network of pharmacy owners and industry decision-makers.
Our mission is to unite independent pharmacy owners on a national scale.
Glenview Pharma, Inc. is Girish Ray’s distribution company. Glenview Pharma offers cost-effective pharmaceutical generics, and the services of healthcare facilities to empower affiliated independent pharmacies throughout the USA.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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